Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 11 Notes Framework

Week S-11 Reading Notes

A Story That Matters
Why did Livingston what British missionaries and commerce in Africa?

Stanley & Livingston in Africa
What were two of Dr. Livingston’s reasons for exploring Africa? ____________

List two of the main obstacles that Livingston faced.

Colonial Rule in Southeast Africa
The New Imperialism
Imperialism: ______________________________________________________

What were four primary motivations for the “New Imperialism”?

Colonial Takeover in Southeast Asia
Singapore: ________________________________________________________

Burma: ___________________________________________________________

Protectorate: ______________________________________________________

Kings Mongkut & Chulalongkorn: _______________________________________

Commodore George Dewey: ___________________________________________

Philippines: _________________________________________________________

Emilio Aguinaldo: ____________________________________________________

What spurred Britain to control Singapore and Burma? ______________________
Colonial Regimes in Southeast Asia
Indirect Rule: ________________________________________________________

Direct Rule: _________________________________________________________

Why did colonial powers prefer that colonists not develop their own industries?

Resistance to Colonial Rule
Explain three forms of resistance to Western domination. ___________________

Empire Building in Africa
West Africa
Annexed: ___________________________________________________________

Why did the slave trade decline in the 1899’s? ______________________________

North Africa
Muhammad Ali: _______________________________________________________

Suez Canal: ___________________________________________________________

Great Britain was determined to have complete control of the Suez Canal. Why?

Central Africa
David Livingston: _______________________________________________________

Henry Stanley: _________________________________________________________

What effect did King Leopold II of Belgium have on European Colonization of the Congo
River Basin? ___________________________________________________________

East Africa
What was significant about the Berlin Conference? ____________________________

South Africa
Indigenous: __________________________________________________________

Zulu: ________________________________________________________________

Rhodesia: ____________________________________________________________

Union of South Africa: __________________________________________________

What happened to the Boers at the end of the Boer War? _____________________

Colonial Rule in Africa
How did the French system of colonial rule differ from that of Great Britain?

Rise of African Nationalism
Why were many African intellectuals frustrated by colonial policy?

Bonus: _____________________________________________________________

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