Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 6 Reading Outline

Week S-6 Reading Notes

The French Revolution Begins (546-561)

A story that Matters

What adjective would best describe King Louis XVI’s attitude upon hearing of the fall of the Bastille?

Background to the Revolution

Estates: _____________________________________________________________

Relics of Feudalism: ___________________________________________________

Bourgeoisie: _________________________________________________________

The Tree Estates in Pre-Revolutionary France Chart

From looking at the circle graphs, what inferences can you draw about why the revolution occurred in France?

What groups were part of the Third Estates? _______________________________



From Estates-General to National Assembly

Versailles: __________________________________________________________

Tennis Court Oath: ___________________________________________________

Bastille ( Paris ) : _____________________________________________________

Why did the Third Estate object to each estate’s having one vote in the Estates General?




The Destruction of the Old Regime

Declaration of the Rights of Man: ________________________________________

Olympe de Gouges: ___________________________________________________

Rulers of Austria & Prussia: _____________________________________________

Sans –culottes: ______________________________________________________

What was the significance of the Constitution of 1791? ______________________



Declaration of the Rights of Man

According to this document, what are the natural, inalienable rights of man?



Radical Revolution and Reaction

The Move to Radicalism

Georges Danton: _____________________________________________________

Jean-Paul Marat: _____________________________________________________

Factions: ____________________________________________________________

Jacobin: ____________________________________________________________

Committee of Public Safety: ____________________________________________

Maximilien Robespierre: _______________________________________________

What were the differences between the Girondins and the Mountain? __________




The Reign of Terror

Reign of Terror: ______________________________________________________

Lyon ( what was the “example”: _________________________________________

Nantes: _____________________________________________________________

The Way it Was

Why did the National Convention choose to open a school dedicated to training patriots?




Whom did the Committee of Public Safety consider to be enemies of the state?




A Nation in Arms

Austrian Netherlands: _________________________________________________

How did the French Revolutionary Army help to create modern nationalism?




The Directory

Electors: ____________________________________________________________

Coup d’etat: _________________________________________________________

Describe the government that replaced the National Convention. ______________



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